Monday, December 10, 2012

Update on what's coming....

Here's my latest update for what's coming.

Book 7 - Hidden Relics

The cover is finished (see last post), and the manuscript is in its final stages of editing. It should be posted online by next Wednesday.

Secrets in Stone

Look for this one towards the end of the year, hopefully soon after Book 7.

Book 8 - Torch of Life

I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first draft. This particular book is a lot tougher than I thought due to the large number of POVs that I'm juggling. Right now, I have 11 POVs, including Natalie, Jackie, Daphne, Caira, Jackson, Karan, Tess, Tanner, Caleb, and Cody. I don't want to spoil the 11th one as it would be revealing one of the surprises in the book.

One other observation that I made as I started writing is that this book is much darker than any other. The story has reached a new level of violence which I wasn't prepared for at first. I think it will be one of the best in the series so far, mainly because of the revelations and an epic battle at the end. Tim's finished the cover already, and it captures the dark feel of the story very well. I'll post it sometime after Christmas when I'm finished with the second draft. I'm hoping for a late January/early February publishing date.

Book 9

I've put more detail in my outline for this book and will start it as soon as I send Book 8 off to the editor. This book will be very interesting as it will have a very short span of time that it deals with. Right now, I'm thinking the events of the book will all occur in the span of maybe two days, with the last half occurring all within a few hours. The last half will basically be one epic battle scene told from at least ten perspectives. As with every third book, the story takes a drastic turn and sets everything up for the end of the series.

Cover for Hidden Relics

Now that I'm about 10 days away from releasing Book 7 - Hidden Relics, I figure I could post a preview of the cover.
As always, Tim has done a wonderful job. For this cover, I wanted to go with the main villains.
I'll post another message when the book is uploaded, which I'm hoping will be next Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Update on what's coming....

I've got quite a bit in the pipeline now for the Department of Magic series, and just wanted to share that with you.

Book 7 - Hidden Relics
The first and second drafts are finished, and it's been e-mail to the editor. It will be ready about a week before Christmas. I'll post the cover in a couple of weeks. It's a great one!

Book 8
Both 8 and 9 have very detailed outlines, which will make the drafts much quicker to produce. Right now, I've just started the first draft for Book 8, and should be finished before Christmas. I'm hoping for a late January publishing date for Book 8. I'll announce the title and show the cover (which is ready) in December some time. Book 9 shouldn't be too far behind, with an expected publishing date of late February.

Secrets In Stone: Gabe
The long-promised short story will be out by Christmas. It's with the editor right now, and unfortunately that's all I can promise at the moment. :)

Science Fiction
My side project is coming along nicely. I'm still in the outlining stage before i start the first draft, and Tim is working on some designs for the details and the covers. I will start drafts of those as soon as DOMA 9 is finished. I'm pushing for a January or February release for the first Sci Fi. More updates to come on that.

Blog Hop

The Next Big Thing

Author Kate Aaron last week tagged me in her blog post. What does that mean? Well there's a series of questions doing the rounds and when you're tagged, you've got to answer them. The questions relate to my upcoming publication, Hidden Relics, the seventh book in the Department of Magic series.

What is the title of your next book?
The title of the 7th Department of Magic book is Hidden Relics.

Where did the idea come from for the book?
The idea for this book started to develop earlier this year. It bridges the gap between the first half of the series and the last half.

What genre does your book fall under?
Young Adult and Fantasy

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
That’s a tough question. I’ve put a little thought into it.
For Cadan Ogden, I would cast Drew Van Acker, from Pretty Little Liars and Tower Prep. For Jude Bishop, I’ve always gotten the Alex Pettyfer vibe, and for Madison Taylor, I would cast Ashley Benson, also from Pretty Little Liars. Josiah Ogden would probably have to be Josh Brolin.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Cadan Ogden has spent 6 books trying to get everyone together and away from the evil Department of Magic, but in Book 7, he basically splits everyone up and sends them on various missions that need to be accomplished to defeat the Department of Magic, and the end will put the characters in a worse position than they’ve been yet.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?


How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
The first draft for this book took a significantly less amount of time to produce as I have had a very clear vision of the book’s direction for some time now.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
That’s a tough question. Most fantasy books deal with imaginary worlds, and this one is set in our Earth. I’ve taken Epic fantasy in the vein of Robert Jordan and George RR Martin, with dozens and dozens of characters and complicated sub-plots and placed it in the center of our world. Elements of this story are inspired by other authors that I’ve read since my teenage years, but I can’t really think of one in particular that it is similar enough to for a comparison.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?
The inspiration for this book dates back to a few years ago. For years I designed this fantasy world and populated it with dozens of characters, rich history, and locations. But I didn’t want my first novel to be a traditional fantasy. I always knew that the Ogdens, the main family that I follow in this magical world, would eventually come over to Earth. While I hadn’t developed that story at the time, I decided to start there. Most of what I write after this series will be about what came before.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
I strive for diversity in everything that I write. So much of fantasy is populated with straight, white characters. In my fantasy and in the world that I created, there is a sense of diversity that I haven’t found in any other fantasy work. My main characters are of every ethnicity, which I personally find refreshing, and several of my main characters are GLBT. It’s less about any kind of political statement, and more from the point of view that I want to represent a real slice of life. I think that anyone can read this series, and find someone that they can identify with.

Now it's my turn to get tagging. Carry on following the hop by checking out the author below to find The Next Big Thing!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Two more character portraits....

Since I don't have a lot of book news to add, I decided to post two more character portraits: Kyla LaFontaine and Nolan Burrell.

You may recognize that Kyla's appearance has changed for Book 7. In previous books, she was described as wearing elaborate dresses and fur coats, but now that she is going to reside in a different location, her look has changed. As always, Tim did an amazing job capturing the look and feel of both characters.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two character portraits

Here are two character portraits that Tim did recently. Both Josiah and Jackie will appear on the cover to Book 7. As always Tim did an amazing job capturing my vision for both of these characters, and I look forward to unveiling the final cover for Book 7.

Update on what's coming....

I haven't posted in a while and that's mainly because I've been hard at work putting together a detailed outline for the next three books in the series. I've also started developing another series, this one Science Fiction, and will post more information about that one here, too. Here's an update on my WIPs:

Book 7: Hidden Relics
I'm in the early stages of a first draft. I'm hoping to have this one out by Christmas. I will keep everyone updated on the progress as I get closer.

Secrets In Stone: Gabe
This poor short story! I've continually put it on the back burner, mainly because the story that I tell in it will be more relevant for Book 7. It will tie into Gabe and give you some more information about the few years of his life before DOMA, and will explain many aspects of his character, such as why Hazel gives him dirty looks, why he was living with the Fatales in Book 1, and more about the relationship between Fairies and Gargoyles. One other aspect of the story that I could not get away from was telling you more about the enigmatic Fairy Queen Nikki West. Even though she hasn't been seen much, she is a vital character to the series, and this story will set the tone for what will occur in Book 11.

Book 8 and Book 9
I have titles and a detailed outline for these books. I will probably start a draft of Book 8 before the end of the year, but in 2013, these two works are my top priority, so look for them to be published in January or February.

Books 10-12
I've started rough outlines for these books. I've got a good handle on the large storyline and some of the minor details, but I'm working on construction a scene sequence, which is one of the most time consuming aspects of the writing process. I will post more information about them as we get closer to those books.

Science Fiction
There's a story that's been mostly in my head for a while now that I really wanted to tell. Taking advise from some author friends, I've decided to publish this by putting out one book that is approximately 60K-80K words, and several sequels to follow. The sequels will each be approximately 20K words, and I will release them once a month in a serial format. Once I get the first book out, the shorter ones will not hinder me much from working on DOMA, which is my primary focus right now.

Thank you for being patient! I will post a couple of pictures of some characters to tide you over. :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Book 7 Title!

I am pleased to say that I finally have a title for Book 7. It's been tough as there were many I was considering, but I finally narrowed it down and with my friend Jenny's help, it's chosen!

So Book 7 will be called Hidden Relics. By the time you reach Book 5 or 6, it will be obvious why that name was chosen. I will be starting the first draft at the first of September.

Cover for Book 6 - Second Exodus

I am very pleased with this cover. It shows (from left to right): Cadan, Luca, Tess, Jackson, and Caira. The five Paladin leaders have orchestrated a plan, and this cover shows their united front very well. I especially love the way that Cadan and Caira have linked their magic. Great job Tim!

Look for Second Exodus to be available on Kindle and Nook later this month. I'm a little behind on the paperbacks for Books 5 and 6 so those might not be available until mid-September.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Update on what's coming!

I haven't posted an update in a while, and just wanted to update everyone on what is coming next.

Book 6 - Second Exodus
The draft is finished and in the final editing phase. Tim is working on the cover as well. I'm hoping for a mid-August publishing date.

DOMA Origins - Short Stories
I have postponed finishing Secrets in Stone: Gabe for now. I will return to his short story sometime in late September or early October.
I decided to forgo the two short stories that would detail Tomas and Hannah's origins. I wrestled with this decision since I started writing these, but I feel that this is the best way to go. The important details of how Hannah became entangled with DOMA is told in Book 2. Each one experience a revelation about their childhoods in Book 6, and once I had written those scenes, I realized that was really all there was to tell.

Beyond Book 6
I have always envisioned DOMA as being 12 books and I'm still on target to make that happen. I know it's long, and I'm sure some people might complain, and maybe even a few will lose interest, but there really is an epic story to tell here. At the end of Book 6, you will see a closure on many storylines that started in the first few pages of the first book, and you'll see some teasers for how the rest of the series will go.
Following Book 6, there will be a slightly longer time period before the release of Book 7. I have not started a first draft because I need to take some time and plot out the details of Books 7 - 9. I envision writing those three back to back. If you haven't noticed already, the series sort of follows "trilogies within a series" theme, and 7 - 9 will continue that tradition. The ending to Book 9 will change the face of the series much like the ending to Book 6 will.
I will keep you updated as I announce the titles and complete the drafts.

Book 5 - Hounds of the Himalayas has arrived!

I just released Book 5 of DOMA - Hounds of the Himalayas.

This one was a fun one to write because the series is starting to head in a new direction. I love the ending of this one more than any so far. The cover is also one of my favorites so far.

Pictured on the cover (from left to right): Cadan, Natalie, Karan, Madison, and Jude

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Update on what's coming....

Books 3 and 4 have been submitted and I'm waiting on the proofs before final approval. They should be available by the beginning of next week.

Book 5 - Hounds of the Himalayas
I finally decided on a title, and I love it! It represents a new element of magic that I'm adding to the world of DOMA. I'm nearly done with my first draft, and I'm hoping for a release date of mid-July sometime.

Book 6 - Second Exodus
This book will easily be my favorite one to write. I'm looking forward to this one most of all. The characters will have reached a crossroads and by the end of the book, the series direction will have changed dramatically. I'm hoping for a release of mid-August on this one.

Short Stories - DOMA Origins
Same status as before. Deviant Behavior: Jude & Madison is in draft stage, so it will be at least mid-July before it sees release. The other three: Secrets in Stones: Gabe, and the two stories about Tomas and Hannah will be spread out over the course of the summer and early fall. I'm excited about these stories as they will add a new layer of depth to five characters who haven't really seen a lot of the spotlight.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Update on what's coming....

Just wanted to post an update on what I'm working on.

Book 4 - Magic of Heroes
I just finished the second draft this week and sent it to the editor. The cover is finished and looks amazing! I'm hoping for a release date of mid to late May.

Book 5
I've started the first draft and am hard at work on that right now. I haven't fully decided on a title, so I don't want to post that yet. I have a few front runners and will post it when I've made the final decision. This will be the book that changes everything for Cadan and his team, and I'm very excited to be writing this one.

DOMA Origins
I'm working on two more short stories. The first one is titled Deviant Behavior: Jude & Madison, which will detail their transfer to the Rocky Mountain Facility and beginnings of their new team. The story starts out in the Nursery, so there will be quite a few cameos from some of the other DOMA agents. The second one, Secrets in Stone: Gabe, will tell the story of his younger years and his first encounter with the Department. This will also give some insight into the world of fairies, which I have not gotten a chance to delve too far into so far in the series. Look for a few surprising cameos.

That only leaves Tomas and Hannah's short stories, but since those two tie into the events of Book 6, it may be later in the year before I begin working on those. I will post another update once I know more.

Book 3 - Rise of the Witch has arrived!

Book 3 - Rise of the Witch has finally arrived and is now available on Kindle. The paperback is not ready yet, but I'm working on it.

Tim did a great job on the cover, and I'm very pleased with it.

In this book, the mystery behind Nolan's defection from the Department deepens and the stakes become greater for Cadan and his friends. Hope you enjoy!

3 Short Stories released....

I have released the first of many short stories that will accompany the main series. You can read the stories without reading the series and can read the series without reading the short stories. However I would recommend the short stories as that will give you much more background for each of the characters.

Thanks to Tim for the amazing covers!

They are only available on the Kindle and are 99 cents. Stay tuned for more short stories!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Shrouded Island has arrived!

I have submitted the files for Shrouded Island and Amazon is working on getting the e-book posted. It should be available for purchase later this evening. The paperback edition should be available within the next few weeks.

As always, Onaje has outdid herself on the cover. She is a wonderful artist!

Hope you enjoy the second book of The Department of Magic. If you haven't ready Book 1 - Betrayal of Magic, it is available on as an e-book or paperback.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Update on upcoming work

Book 2 - Shrouded Island 
The 2nd book will be released very soon - hopefully in 2 weeks.

Book 3 - Rise of the Witch
I just recieved the last round of editting back from my editor. Once the cover is finished and final formatting is done, it will be released. I'm hoping for mid-March.

Book 4 - Magic of Heroes
I'm nearly finished with the first draft and it's coming along quite nicely. I feel very good about the draft, and there should be minimal re-writes. I'm hoping for a late spring release.

My first two short stories, Winged Demon: Natalie & Darius and Circus Freak: Bryce should be released in mid-March. The third story Brujeria: Rafe, will be released more towards the end of March.

Once I get final covers for each, I will start posting them. March will be a busy month for the Department of Magic!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Update on what's coming!

It's been a while since I've posted on the blog, but I've been busy preparing the next wave of DOMA stories.

Shrouded Island (Book 2) - Onaje is finishing up on the cover and then it will be ready to go. I've seen it recently and it will look great!

I'm also going to release the first short stories from the companion series named DOMA: Origins. Each shotrstory will range in length of 30-60 pages and will explore one of Cadan's teammates. Initially I wanted to delve into the backstories in the series itself, but realized that I wanted to go into a lot of detail and doing that would slow the larger story down too much. I am very pleased with how they turned out.

I have a new set of covers for these that are currently in development. I will post them as soon as they are ready. Here are the first two that will be released:

Winged Demon: Natalie & Darius - This will be an expanded version of the story Natalie told Cadan in Betrayal of Magic. You will notice a difference in the version Natalie told and the one that actually happens. This inconsistency is intentional and will be addressed in Book 4.

Circus Freak: Bryce - This short story is one of my favorites!

There's a lot more coming soon after these, but I don't want to announce too much until I'm further along.

Thank you everyone for your patience!